
  • The doors to enter the building open at 8:05 a.m., rain or shine.  Students do not need to arrive prior to 8:05 but if they do, they are expected to either line up in their teacher lines or wait with a parent in the parent area of the playground.

    Students will have assigned lines on the macadam area of the playground.

    The gym doors close at 8:15.  Students will be marked late if they arrive after 8:15.



  • Students will be brought outside in classroom lines at dismissal time.  Students will be given to parents in order of the parents that are waiting in the teacher lines. 

    Students will have assigned lines on the macadam area of the playground.  Parents are expected to line up across from the students and wait for the teachers to dismiss the students.  Once a teacher has identified the person for pick up, the student will be released.

    This process is running smoothly and usually takes about 3-5 minutes to get through an entire line of students.  When pick up people have their ids out and ready, it makes the process go even faster. 

    (Please remember that if you want to speak with the teacher, please step aside and allow him/her to dismiss all of the students first.  The teacher will meet with parents once all of his/her students are dismissed so no students / parents are left waiting.) 

Inclement Weather

  • Should there be rain, snow, or temperatures above 32 degrees, we will dismiss outside.  Students should come prepared for the weather and are permitted to bring umbrellas, raincoats, boots, etc. 

    Should there be thunder/lightening, hail, temperatures below 32 degrees, or other severe weather, we will arrange students in the gym.  Parents / pick up people will need to display an ID to be let into the building and will need to be patient and maintain order as there is limited space for parents and over 500 people trying to pick up students. 


  • Any questions can be directed to Principal Kasisky.

    Please feel free to set up an apptoitnment at a time that is convenient for you.  Contact number: 610-320-6994


  • Anyone is picking up students must be listed on the student pick-up form and must have identification. Even if the regular teacher knows who the person is, a substitute or other school staff member will not. Identification will be required before a student is released.