RHS Report Cards
In an effort to go green, Reading High School will no longer print paper reports cards or mail them home. Report cards and grades can be viewed using the school district’s online Home Access Center on our website. You will need to enter your username and password.
In addition to quarterly report cards, Home Access Center allows you to review your child’s schedule, classwork, grades and attendance information online at any time. Under the classes tab, you can also find the names and e-mail addresses of your child’s teachers.
Our high school’s bilingual Parent Outreach Assistants can help if you:
*Need assistance with translation
*Need a paper copy of your child’s report card
*Need assistance with your Home Access Center username and/or password
*Need assistance logging into Home Access Center
*Need assistance accessing your child’s report card, class schedule, grades or attendance information once you are logged into Home Access Center
To reach our Parent Outreach Assistants, call:
Milta Saturria-Torres
610-371-5705 ext. 81055
Leticia Ortiz
610-371-5705 ext. 81053