December 2018 Letter to Families

  • Under the Every Student Succeeds Act, states are required to designate schools for support and improvement based on both schoolwide (Comprehensive Support and Improvement) and student group (Additional Targeted Support and Improvement) performance on a range of academic and student success measures.

    Reading Intermediate High School is one of roughly 100 schools statewide designated for Comprehensive Support and Improvement.  This designation is based on data suggesting the need for additional supports to improve schoolwide performance in the following areas: academic proficiency on state assessments, academic growth, attendance, and career readiness. This designation will mean additional resources for our school and provide an opportunity for our school to partner with stakeholders to identify our school community’s most pressing needs, select strategies to support those needs, and work together to implement the selected strategies. 

    You can inform the improvement process at Reading Intermediate High School in the following ways:

    • Monthly Parent Meetings
    • Parent Engagement Events
    • School Conferences
    • Title I Annual Meeting
    • Title I Parent Survey 


More Information

  • If you would like more information, please feel free to contact Mrs. Geina Beaver, Reading Intermediate High School Principal, at 484-258-7365.