PreK and Kindergarten Enrollment

2025-2026 Registration for Kindergarten and PreKindergarten

Dream Big,
Future Red Knights!

The road to graduation begins with registration. Your child’s education is the key to their future. We "R" ready to work together to meet your child’s educational goals! 

PreKindergarten and Kindergarten registration begins each year on March 15. 

Students must be 4 years old by September 1 to start PreKindergarten and 5 years old by September 1 to start Kindergarten.

Before beginning the registration process, find your child's school and gather the required items, including important documents.

Families may register for PreKindergarten or Kindergarten by:

kid with a sign

enrolling in school is as easy as RSD, 1-2-3

  • Start your enrollment process by attending your school’s in-person registration event  or submitting forms online and a registration clerk will contact you to schedule an appointment. Use our School Finder Locator Map to find your child's school.

  • Don’t Delay! Review the list of required registration items and gather necessary documents today.

Required PreK and Kindergarten Enrollment Documents

child writing

We "R" Ready for You!
We love hearing our students learn their ABCs and 123s. We always encourage students to choose kind and do their best. Here are 5 additional things you can do to help your future Red Knight get ready and excited for school! 

R: Read with your child for 15 minutes every day. 

Engage your child's brain by helping them learn to write their name.

A: Ask your child questions to activate learning.

D: Develop and follow routines, such as a bedtime schedule.

Y: Yay! We can't wait to see your child on the first day!