Staff Shout-Outs
August/September Staff Shout-Outs
Dr. Culbreath and the whole Back to School Bash Team, RSD - Way to go with pulling off the Back to School Bash! It was an amazing event! You all did a great job!
Dr. Lindsey Stock, Director of Curriculum, RSD- You are so fun to work with and you do amazing things for our students! Keep being you!
The Human Resources Department, RSD- You are all doing an amazing job. It does not go unnoticed! Keep up the hard work.
Anne Fisher, Wayne Gehris and Leanne Eckenrode, RSD - Thank you all for your hard work on the Knight’s Keep project. The space is beautiful and it is going to help so many students! Amazing work!
Stacey Eiler, 6th Grade Teacher at Northeast Middle School - Stacey does a tremendous job organizing the parent outreach nights for at least the last 6 years that I have been at NEMS.
Ms. Thomas, Social Studies Teacher at Northeast Middle School - Ms. Thomas, you show how much you care for your students. It's amazing to see how you put an special effort to make sure even the students with disabilities get to work and learn.
Mrs. Stitt, Ms. Ney and their Paras, Autistic Support Team at Lauer’s Park Elementary School - Shout out to Mrs Stitt and Ms Ney with their paraprofessionals in the Autistic Support Rooms. It is noticed how hard you are working to establish routines, communicate with parents, and help our new students practice social and school skills. With such a large number of students in your room- you are doing your very best to accommodate every child.
Kath Ballein, Art Teacher at Northeast Middle School -Thank you for caring so much about our staff and bringing Sunshine to NEMS through every season of the year!
Shauna Davis, School Nurse at Lauer’s Park Elementary School - Thank you for caring for every single student that walks through our door. You have a tremendous amount of students to care for- and your organization and communication with the parents and the teachers is outstanding.
Ericka Evans Loos, Art Teacher at Lauer’s Park Elementary School - Shout Out to Mrs Evans Loos for coordinating our Annual Back to School Sidewalk Chalk Event. It is a beautiful way to welcome our students to a brand new school year.
Mr. Lynch, Mr. Dixon, and Mr. Brosnan, Teachers at Northeast Middle School - Thank you for being the best team to work with ! You have been so helpful and kind in helping me settle in here at NEMS! Thank you so much!
Liz Campbell, Jill Hull, Kc Dianna, Pat Layos. Cassie Redcay, Nicole Sherman and Andrea Fehnel, PreK and Kindergarten Teachers at 13th and Union Elementary School - A shout out for your patience, kindness and perseverance in working with your young students. You are very much admired by your colleagues!
Jay Baxter, Student Support at 10th and Green Elementary School - Mr. Baxter goes above and beyond interacting with the kids and making them feel welcome every morning at arrival. 10th and Green is lucky to have him!
Mr. Laboy, Student Support at 10th and Green Elementary School - Mr. Laboy does a great job of welcoming students into the building each morning and making sure that they have a smile on their face.
Jade Yingling, 3rd Grade Teacher at Riverside Elementary School - Jade has done a lot of the behind the scenes work to get the 95% curriculum up and running. She is also doing an excellent job teaching the subject matter to her class. She always gives 100%. She is also always happy and upbeat and joy to be around.
Mrs. Moran, Ms. Wolfe, & Ms. Grabowski, 2nd Grade Teachers at Tyson-Schoener Elementary School - Just a little shoutout to our 2nd Grade Teachers for doing an absolutely fabulous job implementing new curriculum with ease! Your patience and excitement is appreciated! Thank you!
Ericka Major-Cruz, 2nd Grade Teacher at 16th and Haak Elementary School - Welcome to the RSD family! Thank you for committing to our district and our scholars!
Erin Brown and Kim Clarke, Principal and Assistant Principal at 10th and Green Elementary School - Erin and Kim have made the beginning of the year fun for our students and staff. Their sweet treats for staff are very appreciated. Not to mention, the morning greetings our students have been receiving has brought smiles to everyone's faces. Thank You!!
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